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Finding the Best Time to Feed Cats and Keep Them Healthy

Table of Contents

Feeding your cat might seem simple, but did you know the timing of their meals can affect their overall health and behavior? This article will discuss the best time to feed cats and factors to consider when creating an optimal feeding schedule.

Understanding Your Cat’s Natural Rhythm


Cats are fascinating animals with a rich evolutionary history that has shaped their distinctive traits. They are crepuscular, so they’re active during dawn and dusk to hunt for their prey. This innate behavior affects their feeding patterns, and they expect to have their meals during these times.

Furthermore, cats have a natural digestive process and hunger rhythms. They prefer eating smaller, more frequent meals than munching two or three large meals daily, so their digestive system works well with small food portions. Their need to hunt and eat at particular times also affects their hunger rhythm. Giving them small, frequent meals can help replicate their natural feeding patterns and satisfy them throughout the day.

Why Does Feeding Time Matter?


Imagine if you never knew when your next meal would be. Confusing, right? That’s how cats feel if you give them food whenever you like.

Cats, much like humans, benefit from having a predictable routine and consistent environment to thrive in. Meal feeding, in which you feed your pet at designated times throughout the day, is highly recommended over free feeding, where the food is available 24/7 and within reach. A consistent feeding schedule can help improve your cat’s digestion and metabolism, improving its holistic health.

Moreover, establishing a feeding routine makes them feel secure and stable, thus reducing stress and anxiety. It also helps you monitor your cat’s appetite and notice any changes in its eating habits, which could indicate underlying health problems.

Feeding Frequency: How Often and When Is the Best Time to Feed Cats


Now that you have grasped the cat’s natural rhythm and the importance of a meal schedule, let’s discuss how often and when are the best times to feed your cat. Here’s a breakdown of ideal mealtimes for different life stages.

  • Kittens – Kittens have high energy levels and are growing machines! Thus, they need small meals 4-6 times a day. That way, they get the nutrition and energy they need for all their playful antics.
  • Adult Cats – If your cat is a year older, you can decrease the frequency of its meals. Adult felines can thrive on a twice-a-day feeding schedule—once in the morning and once in the evening. This schedule replicates their hunting instincts and ensures they have enough energy throughout the day. However, some adult felines prefer more frequent, smaller meals. Observe your cat’s preference and adjust accordingly.
  • Senior Cats – As cats age, their activity levels and calorie and nutritional needs decrease. That said, you might need to adjust their mealtime. Contact your vet about the perfect feeding schedule for your cat and how much food it needs to prevent obesity and maintain muscle mass. If your whiskered buddy has dental problems or a reduced appetite, offer soft or wet food for easy munching.

When planning a feeding regimen, it’s crucial to consider your cat’s age to ensure it gets adequate nutrients and calories. Whether you feed your cat twice or six times a day, ensure the feeding schedule is consistent to promote a healthy digestive tract.

Morning Munchies vs. Evening Eats

As a cat owner, you might wonder about the best time to feed your cats. While replicating your cat’s natural rhythm is good, it might not be ideal for some cat owners. But don’t worry—you can adjust it to your lifestyle. Here’s why morning and evening meals are crucial for their health.

Morning Meals

One key advantage of giving your furry companions morning meals is that they help them kickstart their day and improve their metabolic rate. This can benefit indoor felines; they don’t have much opportunity for exercise. Giving your kitty a morning meal encourages it to be more active and energetic throughout the day.

Another benefit is that your cat won’t associate mealtime with your return from work or school in the evening. If you only feed your kitty at night, it may start to anticipate your return and become anxious or demanding. Giving it a morning meal establishes a feeding routine that your beloved feline can rely on.

Evening Meals

An evening meal can satisfy your cat’s innate hunting instincts and provide a satisfying way to end the day. It also encourages your cat to be more active at night and engage in activities like playing and hunting, benefiting its overall health. 

Whether you feed your cat a meal in the morning, at night, or both, it’s crucial to establish a routine that works best for you and your feline buddy. Doing so will help you maintain your cat’s health and well-being.

Feeding Multiple Cats and Special Needs


Life can be chaotic when you have multiple feline buddies. That’s why it is crucial to consider their dynamics when establishing a meal schedule. Here are some additional factors to take into account when feeding multiple cats.

Give Them Separate Stations

Cats can be territorial, and their mealtime can become a competition for food. Give them separate feeding bowls to avoid fights and ensure each cat gets the right portion of food. Doing so will help them feel secure and reduce the risks of meal-related stress.

Their Medical Conditions

Your cats may have different nutritional needs depending on their health conditions. Talk to your vet about the best time to feed your cats and the correct portion sizes to support their health and well-being. Depending on their medical conditions, your vet may recommend a particular food type or a specific feeding schedule that works best for them.

For instance, if one of your cats has AA diabetes, you should feed it more frequently than your other healthy cats. Cats with this condition receive insulin. To incorporate insulin into their mealtime, create an eating schedule that balances the feeding frequency and the timing of insulin injections.

If your cat has hyperthyroidism, it may feel hungry all the time. You can ensure your cat remains content by providing small and frequent meals throughout the day. Not only will it prevent obesity, but it will also satiate your fluffy pal’s cravings.

Wet vs. Dry

The type of food you provide may influence your cat’s feeding schedule. Wet food has more water content and can be more satisfying for cats, but it digests and spoils quickly, meaning frequent mealtime may be necessary. On the other hand, dry food can be left out for extended periods. However, you should watch your cat’s water intake to prevent dehydration.

How to Transition Your Cat’s Feeding Routine Smoothly


Transitioning your cat’s mealtime and feeding routine can be challenging, but it’s essential to do it slowly but surely to prevent anxiety and stomach upset. Here’s a guide to help you achieve a smooth transition.

Gradual Adjustments

Changing your cat’s feeding routine overnight doesn’t work in a snap. If you do it abruptly, it can overwhelm your cat and may cause digestive problems. Start by adjusting its feeding time by 15 minutes every few days until you reach your desired schedule. This way, your cat’s mind and body will have enough time to adapt to the new routine.

Be Patient

Cats love habits and routines, so any change in their routine may result in resistance. Be patient with your feline companion during the transition period. Be consistent with the new feeding time and routine and gradually introduce changes, like a new food brand or a feeding area. In time, your cat will learn to adjust to the new routine.

Food Begging Behaviors

It’s common for cats to beg for food during the transition. As adorable or pitiful as they look, fight the temptation to give them food. If your cat cries or demands food outside its scheduled mealtime, distract it with toys or playtime. This way, your cat won’t associate food with begging, and you’ll be able to establish a healthy food routine for your precious kitty.

FAQs About Cat’s Feeding Routine and Schedule


Do you still have questions about your cat’s feeding routine and schedule? Here are some queries you might have:

When are the best times to feed my cat?

The best times to feed a cat are as often as possible but on a schedule. The best times would be at dawn and dusk.

What should I do if my cat doesn’t want to eat?

If your kitty doesn’t want to eat, identify the underlying cause. It may involve visiting a vet or experimenting with different food and feeding methods.

Should I give my cat table scraps or human food?

It is not recommended to feed your cat human food or table scraps as it can cause digestive issues and obesity. Stick to premium, nutritious cat food.

The Takeaway

Understanding your cat’s innate hunting instincts and providing a consistent feeding schedule will foster its health and happiness. If you’re unsure about the best time to feed cats or have concerns about their eating habits, always consult your veterinarian for personalized guidance and support. With some understanding, patience, and a good schedule, your cat will purr happily at mealtime!


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